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We appreciate all students from various schools in over 5 countries that participated in GISUTECH 2019 and made it a great success. We had over 111 amazing projects and over 200 student exhibitors and competitors.
GISUTECH 2019 was a remarkably great international event full of fun and learning that took place on 26th and 27th April 2019. Galaxy International School Uganda held the Fifth International Robotics and Technology (GISUTECH) Competition in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Makerere University.

The event attracted over 45 participants from 4 countries Kenya, Tanzania, Angola and Kyrgyzstan across the world and over 150 participants from all over Uganda, it started with a series of competitions in different categories at their school campus in Lubowa; this was followed by the STEM EXPO and Awards ceremony on Saturday 27th April 2019 at school Conference Hall.
The projects presented showcased the value, economic impact, and contribution of teaching STEM subjects in advancing the 21st century scientific and technological innovations. The school has had teams of students moving out to international competitions in different countries around the world since 2013.

The first GISUTECH competitions in Uganda were held in May 2015, these attracted several national and international schools with over 100 students who set up well thought and skilled presentations. This year’s competitions are a result of intense preparations by many students who turned their summer experiences into competitive science projects, seeking a grand opportunity to present their work in scientific forums.

During these exhibitions students gain self-confidence, horn writing skills and potentially earn credentials important to colleges, universities as well as future employers. STEM education in Galaxy International School Uganda is grounded in the solution of problems in interdisciplinary perspectives.

This Competition is a leading initiative and a symbol of our commitment to quality education in Uganda.
The Competition honors the best and brightest students for their accomplishments in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The recognition of students participating in the STEM Competition is an implicit recognition that high expectations shoot high achievement and that academic excellence is a community effort involving parents, teachers, schools and mentors.
The participation of students in such competitions is indicative of innovative minds, determination, dedication and hard work, all of which are important in today’s scientific career world.

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