Digital Poster Design
Digital Poster Design theme for GISUTECH 2020 : "Covid-19 Awareness & Prevention."
Create a poster in which you will convey your message in a story enhanced with visual effects by using popular design editing tools like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, Poster Maker, GIMP, QuarkXPress, and Canva.
Posters have been used for centuries for these purposes, and have been instrumental in transforming and reshaping societies around the world. Whether affirmative or challenging, GISUTECH Olympiad is seeking posters that can inform the public and encourage action or change as well as give new social and political forms of visual shape and an imagined personality.
A GISUTECH poster should motivate to think differently about the things that people may be learning or doing about environment, should aim to create a behavioral change regarding environmental problems (local or global) such as global warming, water (pollution or usage), air pollution or quality, waste management (Reduce, reuse, and recycle), energy, etc.
GISUTECH Digital Poster Design | RULES
Poster Design projects can be prepared and submitted by one student only.
You will be required to submit your poster as part of the application process (submitted by uploading a document within the application system) and a one-page artist statement. All projects, including affiliated fair winners, must submit their posters.
Application: Poster art, photography, and satirical illustration projects must submit their poster in JPEG format with a file size under 5 MB.
All imagery must be your own work.
File names must be in English characters only.
Students are allowed to make changes and improve their projects between application and fair presentation before the deadline.
Students are required to create a video of statement varying from anywhere between one to two minutes.
GISUTECH Digital Poster Design | Judging Criteria
1. Creativity
2. Composition
3. Expression of Meaning
4. Expression of Emotion
5. Relevance
6. Quality
7. Overall Expression
8.Presentation (software, idea,)